Solitude by Lila Iké”

“Solitude by Lila Iké” is the right tune to mirror the Zeitgeist of the Pandemie , Covit 19 moment . One of the new group nouvelle  Queens of REAGGE “” Koffee, Sevana, Jaz Elise, Lila Ikè and Naomi Cowan” 2020 is a Jamaican year, who brings us sun in our dark times




just listen to her freestyle i need to mention it again it is just soo good


Ragga Queens 2020

Sevana, Jaz Elise, Lila Ikè and Naomi Cowan


1Xtra Jamaica 2020 gave us the gathering of the reigning queens of Ragga and Reagge, listen and you will get the vitamin D fresh delivered by

Sevana, Jaz Elise, Lila Ikè and Naomi Cowan within Rock & Groove Riddim Freestyle given us by 1Xtra Jamaica 2020. They flowing and rocking it so nice and tight rhythm and woaow they seem unstoppable